First blog. So my name is Wynona Porter but I go by Noni. One thing that i like to do is write rhymes in this note book that i have. It helps me to open up my vocabulary and use new words, on top of that I get to make goofy rhymes. Im actually pretty good at it, I want to get some beats and hopefully make some music out of it. At first I didn't think that i could do it, but later on as I really started to get into it I loved it. Well that is about it for the first blog, maybe I can write down a rhyme as a blog one day. Until next time peace!
1/31/2010 10:54:28 pm

You sould put a rhyme on her.!!!
do it.!!!

1/31/2010 10:55:24 pm

Yo noni watz guud??

1/31/2010 10:58:19 pm

yuh should put a rhyme on here for yur next blog

3/15/2010 06:12:20 am

nice nice....words rock!!! AND I like the way you use words....I would love to read/enjoy more of ur WORDZ Noni!!!


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